aether @ faerie

"Just you wait- soon everyone's gonna know my name!"

Voynomir Brankasch
23 years old (8/16)
sage | summoner | dancer

"Ooh, this the ride of your life
Hold on 'cause, baby, I might
I might just give you a bite
of the sweetest pie~."


"I wanna stand on that glittering stage!"

Voynomir, or just 'Voy', is an odd one out to some. With his pudgy, smiling face and his ever-jubilant naivete, he's nothing short of a ray of sunshine.He has a strong fixation on bringing smiles to others, and is always willing to lend a helping hand if someone needs it. Despite his upbringing, he's always willing to trust others, and always wants to see the best in everyone and everything.He may not have the strongest of wills, and may be too gullible for his own good. All to quick to submit to someone stronger, all too easy to lure in with food and promises of sweet nothings. And maybe something within him wishes for something...darker.But he's a true friend 'till the very end, and having Voy at your back means he'll always do whatever he can to put a smile on your face!(And suck your cock.)


"I'm gonna be a star! I'm gonna be, I-I-I'm gonna be-!"

Voynomir's past is shrouded in mystery- it's not something he talks about often. He speaks fondly of Ul'dah, but never of family members or his childhood. It's safe to say he was alone back then.As for now, he's made a living as an adventurer, a dancer, and a storyteller, dreaming of one day becoming a well-known muse, bringing smiles and music all across Eorzea.He's constantly running back and forth all across the world, on some odd job or for some new stage to dance on- and maybe, just maybe, he'll run into you!full backstory (coming soon!)


"Heheh~! Caught you starin'! Like what you see?"

homosexual (maybe willing to experiment)
tiny by hrothgar standards, shorter than most hyur
very bulky, with big tits, a big ass, and a bigger belly
pretty much everything is a-ok!
big yes to musk, cumflation, feederism, etc
big no to gore, snot, and vomit


heyo! thanks for reading all that! my name's glompy, he/him, and i'm the player of this bad boy.i've been rping for a long time, but i'm new when it comes to doing it in games- so i apologize if i do anything embarrasing. still learning, yanno!but i won't let that stop me! feel free to drop me a line if you wanna get down to business- i prefer rping on discord, so feel free to add me @ glompy#3141 !(i'm also only at stormblood rn so if i get the lore wrong im sorry ;-;)


"It's so nice to meet you! What can I do for ya?"

Voy's a free-spirited performer who travels all over Eorzea. While 'famous' might be a big word, he's at the very least known to those who keep up with the entertainment world. No matter what corner of the land you find yourself in, Voynomir's bound to show up there, with little more than the clothes on his back and a sack full of dreams.Eorzea's Idol
Known best for his dance and song, Voy's no stranger to the art of storytelling. It is not uncommon to see him surrounded by crowds in town squares, hurling aether-based paint to conjure actors for his performances. Whether they be great fiends of legend, or backup dancers for his routine. Mayhaps you pop up in the crowd, or stick around after?
Getting Those Gains
And of course, a big part of being an idol is maintaining Voy's physique. He's just as much a buffet regular as he is a gym rat, and it's not uncommon to find him at either- working out his pecs to new heights, or pounding back plates with ease. Maybe he needs a spotter, or some help, or just a friend to hang with!
Lonely Soul
Voy has a great deal of friends. People the world over, whether they love his music, his charm, or his...y'know. But that kind of life tends to leave one yearning, and as much as Voy wants to further his career, it eats away at him that these connections all feel superficial. He could really use a shoulder to cry on.
Voynomir has lost a lot. In a way, that smiling face is a facade- if he makes everyone happy, if he can cheer everyone up and make them feel good, maybe they won't leave. If he pushes all the bad things down and away, if he gets really strong and really famous, he can create a place where him and his loved ones are safe. No heartache, no pain, no loss. Just bliss. All he bliss.
"I-I can't bear to lose anyone else. If I have to become a monster to make sure no one has to go through what I have...then so be it!"and ofc any number of other things! kinky, sad, funny, romantic, we can do whatever ya like!